Rabu, 28 November 2012


Dialogue :

On weekend, Claudia, Nabila, and Wiwi want to go to beach for refreshing. They go to Pasir Panjang beach.

Claudia : What a view... Fantastic!
Nabila  : Yeah, it's so beautiful.
Claudia : But, where is Wiwi?
Nabila : I don't know. Let's find her.
Claudia&Nabila : Wiwi.... Wiwi.. Where are you?
Wiwi : I'm here guys!
Claudia : Thanks God, finally we find you.
Nabila : What happened with your legs?
Wiwi : I slipped when I want to chase you.
Claudia : We are so sorry, Wi. We even don't know.
Nabila : Let me see the injury.. Does it hurt?
Wiwi : Ouch! It's hurt me so much.
Nabila : Sorry... Stand up, come on Wi.
Wiwi : I can't stand up, the pain is going worse.

They seek the first aid. Fortunately, Nabila bring hansaplast and betadine. They medicate Wiwi.

Claudia : Do you feel better, Wi?
Wiwi : Of course, it feels better.
Nabila : I'm relieved to hear that.
Claudia : Okay, let's go to the beach and make sand castle!
Wiwi&Nabila : Here we go!

On the beach.

Wiwi : What a great scenery.. marvelous!
Claudia : We must give thanks to God, guys.
Nabila : Come on guys, catch me! catch me!

Finally, they play happily on the beach. Wiwi laughs cheerfully and forget the pain on her legs.

Minggu, 11 November 2012



Hello, my name is Claudia Hidayat. You can call me Claudia, Dea, Clau, or whatever you want;) I was born in Pontianak, 4th August 1996 so right now I'm 16 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I'm the oldest one.I study at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak, now I'm in XI science 4 class (VENDETTA). My chair-mate is Wiwi Anisa Fitri, I usually call her 'Ica'. She has a cute face and good personality.

In  Vendetta, I have a loyal and crazy besties called LOL because we're lots of laugh. they are ica cupinkasari, rizka jubaidasari, tatum fatmasari, and eky purnamasari :)) LOL we have our 'plesetan' names!

we are LOL 

 My hobby are singing and dancing. And these pictures may express what I feel when I do my hobbies.

 Okay, that's all about me. Thank you for reading! much of love♥ xoxo