Minggu, 11 November 2012



Hello, my name is Claudia Hidayat. You can call me Claudia, Dea, Clau, or whatever you want;) I was born in Pontianak, 4th August 1996 so right now I'm 16 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I'm the oldest one.I study at SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak, now I'm in XI science 4 class (VENDETTA). My chair-mate is Wiwi Anisa Fitri, I usually call her 'Ica'. She has a cute face and good personality.

In  Vendetta, I have a loyal and crazy besties called LOL because we're lots of laugh. they are ica cupinkasari, rizka jubaidasari, tatum fatmasari, and eky purnamasari :)) LOL we have our 'plesetan' names!

we are LOL 

 My hobby are singing and dancing. And these pictures may express what I feel when I do my hobbies.

 Okay, that's all about me. Thank you for reading! much of love♥ xoxo

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